Favia is a special international dating club with many years experience in service and many success stories. We believe that everyone has their perfect match somewhere in the world and there shouldn’t be borders standing on the way of love and friendship.
We aim to show you that every new acquaintance has a potential to become relationship, and every new relationship is a whole new adventure and a treasure experience that one should appreciate and cherish, possibly the greatest adventure in your life.
By joining Favia, you will meet many family oriented, wonderful, single people, who are also here from the same reason as you are. We can say with proud that each one of our members is really serious in his or her searching of pure true love and gallant enough to try something new and different, because Favia says “Distance is just a test to see how far love can travel”.
We can not promise you to give the instruction of creating ideal relationships… but we promise to be your guiding light, your confidence, your energy and your inspiration on your quest of love. We want you to have the best possible chance of finding your soul mate when you join Favia.
Our Relationship Advice site is packed full in useful tips about every step of creating dating and relationships. If you have got a dilemma about your first date, or are wondering when to contact a Favia match, you can find and read the testimonials of our members.
Having worked together as an unity team during long period of time we know exactly how to use our valuable experience in life. And we have seen in practice how this knowledge helps us to make your wishes come true. We are sure that every relationship is unique and has it is own inner side. But we also know that with our right help and your trust and willingness to do the first step, you will find the partner of your dreams. All you need is just to be yourself, have an open heart, clear mind and let us do our daily work. Remember that every person is a creator of his happy fate. Do not be afraid to say – Yes!!! If you really want to change your life. Do it today, right now, do not hesitate, join Favia and write your own fairy tail with our professional help.
Head office
Favia - Poltava
Adress: 6, Frunze Str., office 207
36020, Poltava, Ukraine
tel.: +38 0532 611 578
mobile tel.: +38 050 541 51 61
skype: officefavia
Favia - Kiev mobile tel.: +38 050 503 55 06