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How to create a happy marriage with a foreigner
Favia was glad to discuss with our members about such useful and interesting theme – “How to create a happy marriage with a foreigner”. Marrying someone from another nation can be exciting! There are so many things that are new and different, interesting and challenging. First, it seems like a beautiful dream. You meet someone who's from another country, someone who has different, exciting culture, who is so unique in your eyes. If you are married, you'll know that happiness in your marriage is as essential as food is for hunger. Perhaps you'd like to be happier in your marriage - or you're thinking about getting married and you're looking for hints and tips. Here's some good advice for living a happily married life which we have found during our meeting.
  • Respect each other's views at all times.
  • Listen to each other properly.
  • Give priority to your spouse over everything else in your life.
  • Sincerely say "I love you" often.
  • Start your day with a warm kiss or a hug.
  • Take time out and spend a few moments together--just the two of you alone.
  •  Don't forget to do the little things that make each of you smile and feel loved.
  • Surprise each other with little gifts or tokens of appreciation.

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