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163 cm = 5'4''
72 kg = 158.8 lbs
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Love is a Reward
Love is the major deficiency in the modern world. When I saw that woman I realized: Love at first sight exists! We met at International Dating Club ‛Favia‛. I remember at our first date my, at that time, future wife said that love for her – is someone who will love her son as his own. My beloved, she said, - this is the one who, holding my hand will feel the beating of my heart. Since then we have one breath and one heartbeat for two. I adore her son so much. I thank so much to Favia Club for the opportunity to create a loving and strong family.    Read More...
Tatiana and Patrtick
Tatiana and Patrtick became a family! We are happy to inform you that we have got one more wonderful love story to share with you! Our beautiful lady Tatiana met through our agency her darling Partick in the middle of spring 2011 and it was the beginning of a very romantic relationship that changed their lives! After mailing, telephone calls, meetings in Ukraine and France they realized that they cannot live without each other anymore and they got a big wish to tie the marriage knot as soon as possible. Two lives joined together on the 10th of December 2011. On this special occasion, we would like to send them our greetings and heartiest congratulations! We wish them a wonderful beginning and love lasting a lifetime!    Read More...
Linina and Mike
The love story of these people is simple and amazing at the same time. They could find each other being so far, they could feel each other through thousands kilometers, they could recognize that they are the pieces of one big heart just talking in letters. Mike lives in America but for Linina he endured 20 hours by plane, he buried her in presents, he made everything she wished for the only word "Yes" but Linina didn’t even resist because her only dream was to hear that cherished question… It’s so wonderful that such fascinating dreams coincide…    Read More...
Inna and Mike
Love happens. And it happens to wonderful people, in our case to Inna and Mike. Inna came to our club in hope to meet a nice man and less than a month passed, she started communication with Mike. At first it was a friendship but after the real meeting, friendship immediately broke out into pure and true love. They are together for more than four years and now they are going to have a baby. Love happens, just be ready to meet it!    Read More...
Happy future in relationship
On 3rd of December Kiev office invited clients to social, that had a very interesting and intriguing topic ‛How to be happy in future“. All clients had a chance to find true aims and wishes for life. The atmosphere during social was very comfortable. Many clients got answers for their questions. After formal part we had a tea time during which were discussing life issues and sharing hopes for future. All the clients are waiting for more meetings and we promise not to torture them with waiting ;)    Read More...
The first Date
Our Social Club meeting we had in November the 5th we dedicated to ‛First Date‛. The first date is very important event in the life of every woman. How to make good impression, how to be interesting interlocutor, etc.; with all this information divided our special guest – professional orator. This event was very cognitive and it had a great success in our attendees.     Read More...
Halloween’s Party in Kiev
On the 31st of October Favia team together with our female clients celebrated All Saints Day or Halloween! The atmosphere was pleasant and not very spooky, although we managed to scare our guest. Every guest should trick or treat. There were a lot of interesting and funny tasks; we even had a dance with a witch’s broom. Some clients told us spooky stories from their childhood. According to the ancient legend a lot of people tried to know their destiny during this eve, so we weren’t an exception!     Read More...
Effective English
Pleasure English Class was organized for our female clients in order to show them the new ways of effective learning of English. At bonus-lesson we learned both how to train four practical skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) at the same moment and how to increase the coefficient of efficiency in learning English.    Read More...
Professional trip…
Our work brings us pleasure and professional satisfaction. We are happy to help people be closer and understand each other! We know that clients feel very comfortable with our professional interpreters. As a proof of that, one of our interpreters had a work trip to Thailand. A client from United States preferred to hire this specific interpreter to translate for him and his lady during their vacation to Thailand. We consider it an evidence of great professionalism.     Read More...
Happy anniversary!
It became a good tradition to celebrate our Birthday with our clients! We had our first anniversary in spring 2011! For already 5 years our company has been helping hearts meet! So many people came to congratulate us; we received calls and emails from clients from other countries. This proves we are needed and remembered. Everyone who spent this day with us had a chance to take part in the celebration: our pretty women made presents for us, sang songs and drew pictures    Read More...
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