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How to treat a Ukrainian lady

    1. Women like strong and confident men. Then again, ladies don't like men who are overconfident or arrogant. So a man should be also sensitive, understanding and most importantly kind and polite.
    2. Maintain a gentleman's attitude. That way, you can ensure you will never miss an opportunity to treat a lady with courtesy and respect.
- Open the door and let her enter first.
- Let the lady be seated first and order first when out at a restaurant.
- Consider that when you're in a car with a lady, whether you are driving or not, you should escort her to her door and open it, then close it once she and the edge of her clothing are inside of the car.
- Once you have arrived at your destination, advise the lady to stay seated. Then go around and open the door for her.
- It is commonly accepted in Ukraine that men pay for dinner.
    3. Ladies like compliments, but lay on too many and you'll seem insincere. Make sure your compliments are original. You shouldn't say things you heard on television because she might have seen the same program. Instead, notice things about her that other guys wouldn't.
    4. The important thing to do is to be romantic:
- bring her flowers;
- remember anniversaries of your acquaintance;
- make her romantic dinners etc.
    5. The ladies like to be surprised and to know that they are special for you. You can do this with such signs of affection as flowers and gifts, for example sweets.
     6. Don't forget about her birthday and other special occasions!!!
    7. One of the ways to please a lady, especially at your first date is to dress well. On the one hand, this would demonstrate your good taste. On the other, the fact that you have spent time to dress up for her would make her feel special and important. Looking your best will impress a lady. Still, do not dress too flashy, just look neat.
    8. Make sure you have something in mind to talk about. She does not want to hear all about your work. If she is not in the same field she will not know what you are talking about and it will just bore her. Ask her about herself, about her job, her family.
    9. It might be a good idea to look up on the 'net' for some interesting topics about her country, city, and culture.
    10. Bring her a souvenir from your country, she will be very pleased.