Sometimes foreign men make some major mistakes while trying to compose a long interesting letter, intended to catch a woman's attention and make her interested in his personality. If a lady does not like your first letters, she most probably would not write back, especially if she has other admirers. If you really want to impress a lady, get her interested in you and win her heart, your letters should be simple, open and merry.
Before a man starts communicating with a lady he should be aware of some "golden" correspondence rules:
1. A man should be a realist. Nowadays many ladies use dating sites and services, even very young girls. Ukrainian women are aware of the fact that foreign men have very serious attitude towards marriage and this is something very appealing to them. Generally, appearance is the first thing men would look for...and not so much the age. The latter is very important, though, and a man should consider it carefully in order to be successful in his search. The thing is that no matter how mature a young lady might be, age difference between partners should not be more than ten-fifteen years!!! Common life priorities, moral values, interests, worldviews - all of these are vital for the establishment of a strong basis for a happy relationship. Is it possible for two people whose age difference is twenty-thirty years to have a successful relationship?
- No. This is a fact, not a theory.

It may be interesting for a young lady to communicate with an older man because he has greater experience than a guy her own age... but just think: In fifteen or twenty years, she will look as irresistible and desirable as now... she will be full of energy and new ideas.. Will her husband (twenty years older than her) be able to handle that energy and these new ideas..? Hope you've got the hint.:)
2. Do not write long, boring letters which contain all the details of your biography. She would be thinking about something else even before reading half of your letter.
3. Do not tell her everything about yourself from the very beginning. What is it you are going to talk about in your tenth letter? Moreover, a man should always remain a mystery to a woman, don't you agree?
4. Let her create a certain image of you and then let her wonder about the details of your life and personality.
5. Take the first step in everything. It is true that women today are much emancipated but this does not mean that they do not want men to be initiative and take the first step in a new acquaintance. Ukrainian women are attracted to interesting and decisive men.
6. Do not ask complicated or hard to answer questions. Communication should be easy and pleasant for both. Just imagine sitting with this lady in a cafe. What questions would you ask her in such an atmosphere?
7. Do not ask twenty questions in one letter. You may scare the lady, making her feel like being interrogated. Put yourself in her shoes.
8. Do not disappear. It is a major mistake for a man who has been communicating with a lady to "disappear" (not write) for some time and then drop a few lines, talking about occasional things as if nothing has happened. If a man stops writing without any explanation a woman considers that he is not interested in her anymore or that he has found another woman. A woman will not take offence if a man excuses his "absence" beforehand with work or other engagements. But she would most surely get offended if he just leaves for a certain period of time without any explanation. It will take a lot of effort to win her back, if possible at all.
9. Do not forget dates. You should remember all important dates (like her Birthday or the Birthday of her child), as well as your anniversaries or the dates of those special events in your relationship.
10. Do not forget about compliments and warm words in every letter! This is the main secret for your success in winning the heart of that special woman of yours.:)
Good luck!