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Ukraine Travel Tips

    Arrange or book your transport from the airport in advance. If you are planning to take a bus, look for the schedule of the airport buses departure times. If you prefer getting a taxi to your destination, book it before your trip. Airport taxis would cost you two to three times more.

• Car rental companies are very rare in Ukraine so you better consider other means of transportation.
• Although ATMs, credit and debit card payments are very popular all over the world, cards are not yet widespread in Ukraine, which operates mostly as a cash economy. Therefore, make sure to always keep some cash at hand.
• Customs regulations prohibit sending cash, travellers cheques, personal cheques, credit cards, or passports through the post. Authorities consider these contraband items and often confiscate them. There are also very strict regulations regarding transportation and possession of items such as firearms, antiquities, currency, etc. to and from Ukraine.
• If you buy valuable items as gold, antiques, icons, furs, caviar, or paintings of value in Ukraine, you need a special permit from the local authorities in order to take them out of the country.
• Ukraine is 7 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time. Therefore, when it is 7:00 am in NYC, it is 2:00 pm in Ukraine.
• If you are a smoker, you may wish to bring your own supply of cigarettes. Although, you will most probably find your favourite brand of cigarettes and they would be very cheap in Ukraine, you have to keep in mind that the flavour of locally packed cigarettes is quite different from the ones packed in the USA.
• Ukraine's electrical current is 220/50 (volts/hz), therefore you will need both a voltage converter and a 2 round pin plug adapter. The current fluctuates throughout the day; bear in mind this fact when using appliances.
• The official currency in Ukraine is The Hryvnia, also spelled as Hryvna or Grivna (UHR). There are bills for 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 Hryvnias. Under the current regulations, most of the stores can no longer accept foreign currency. Therefore, when travelling into the countryside, exchange dollars prior to leaving the city. Hard currency can be freely converted to Hryvnias at any authorised bank or exchange point.
• When you bring cash make sure that all notes are new. Ukrainian banks do not accept worn out or damaged paper bills.