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160 cm = 5'3''
54 kg = 119.1 lbs
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Jerome, France
Dans le cadre d’une rencontre avec une correspondante de Poltavia j’ai sejourne durant cinq jours dans cette belle cite historique I ai donc pu faire la rencontre tres rapidement avec ma correspondante ; qui est d une beaute exceptionelle ; et particulierement interessante. Malheureusement le temps fut trop court pour reelement faire connaissance pour cette premiere rencontre. Ma correspondante ne parlait ni l anglais, ni le francais, et nous avons eu recours au service d ‘une traductrice, qui a ete formidable pour faire le lien entre nous deux, avec beaucoup de pedagogie et d’intelligence. Ceci est tres important, car parfois il est difficle de s’adapter rapidement dans un contexte inconnue.    Read More...
Ramiro, France
J’ai passé un excellent sejour a Poltava. Le personnel de l’agence m’a pris completement en charge depuis l’aeroport jusqu’a mon appartement, ne connaissant rien a l’Ukraine, cela m’a ete d’un grand secours. L’appartement etait soigneux et tres bien situe, proche de l’agence mais egalement de banques, magasins, parcs et differents lieux d’attractions.    Read More...
Arnaud, France
I wish to say great thanks about my trip to Poltava. The Favia Team, all people from Favia team made all the possible to satisfy me. Their advice and help are very good and I spent very great time during the excursions in Poltava. The Favia Team took me from Kiev airport and the bus drove me to Poltava quickly without problem. When I have arrived to Poltava, I was met by the manager Alina, who showed me the apartment where I spent 1 week.    Read More...
Geoffrey, France
Hello Lilia, Let me write you always brought to my support to your team again. I already speak at impressions that I had to defer to the agency. But yet I account you repeat again. Thanks to you, your team, and especially my usual contact, Alina, Irina and Yulia, I beg you to excuse me if I forget.    Read More...
Fabrice, France
For my first journey in UKRAINE, i am very glad to have discovered POLTAVA. I think it is a lovely town with a lot of places to visit. About FAVIA Team, they were very kind, patient with me and help me during all my trip in POLTAVA. About the meeting, fortunately I met a good lady. She is so kind happy full of joy beautiful. We decide to start a relationship together. So I hope coming soon in UKRAINE to have great moments again.    Read More...
I’d like to say that my stay in Poltava was wonderful, Favia was assisting me all the way from the beginning to the end of my journey. From the airport pick up to the flat, all went very well. The flat I got was nice and neat, the instructions from Favia and the phone I got at the beginning also helped me.    Read More...
J’aimerais remercier toute l’equipe de Favia pour leur acceuille, j’ai ete entierement satisfait des prestations qui m’ont ete offert … Je remercie Lila et Anna de leur aident qu’elles ont put m’apporter lors de mon sejour… Venir me recuperer a l’aeroport me deposer au bus, venir me recuperer a Poltava, m’enmener a l’appartement ,touts ces services qui m’ont ete offert m’ont donnes satisfaction…    Read More...
Je remercie a Favia de m’avoir bien acueilli et particulierement a l’interprete Julia, parce que grace a elle j’ai pu decouvrire cette belle ville Poltava et surtout c’est elle qui m’a beaucoup aide dans les relations avec Lena. Lena, c’est la femme que j’aime enormement.. Elle m’a fait decouvrir la culture, la cuisine ukrainienne et j’ai eu envie d’apprendre le russe pour la communication. Je dis merci encore a l’equipe Favia.    Read More...
Dear Katerina, I wish you good celebrations for Christmas and happy new year. I hope these year 2012 will be - for you and your family - the year of your dreams with very good health and wonderful success in your projects. I wish these year will give you all the tenderness, the attention and the love you deserve ! Sincerely Vincent    Read More...
Dear Lilia and Favia team I send you my best wishes for 2012 I thank you for all the help, i have received when i came in Poltava and for your help at the end of the year 2011 I would like to come soon in Ukraine Have a good week bye Laurent    Read More...
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It is a good opportunity to say thanks for all your team in the lovely agency with helpful employees. I have not faced any difficulties in my trip. and I met with a nice and beautiful lady. Interpreter was nice with us (Anna). My trip to Poltava was good too with a professional driver and nice lady (Alina) she also help me with everything and arranged all events. So thank you guys for everything that have been done to me. Now all my thinking is about our future and what we will end up in our journey... Thanks a lot! Atif, Saudi Arabia

Sergio Carlo Oleari
Per quanto riguarda agenzia tutto bene, servizio perfetto , sono stato assistito dall arrivo in aereoporto, bene il servizio traduttore .