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160 cm = 5'3''
47 kg = 103.6 lbs
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Dear Lilia, I want to wish you a fantastic Happy New Year ! Wish a Happy New Year from me to all Favia team and all Favia ladies. 2011 was very special for me. I was in Poltava for the first time, I met my love and discover a very nice country with very nice people. I believe 2012 will be great. I wish you health, prosperity and happiness.     Read More...
Laurent, France
I hope you are well, I wanted to thank you for the welcome I have had from your team in Poltava It is now the fifth time I visit your country and each time I discover new things, new museums or new places. Oksana is very helpful in communication we are trying to put up with my woman.    Read More...
Daniel, France
First, my general impression from the country is good, people are kind and the reception was very good! At the airport in Kiev, somebody from Favia waited for me with a sign with my name and even spoke French!!! The Agency in Poltava is very professional and all persons I met there (without exception) were kind with me. I want specially congratulate Irina the interpreter of my lady. I spend a lot of time with her and I can say she is a very nice and professional person too! In resume for all the team in Poltava a great BRAVO!    Read More...
Sylvain, France
Ville tres accueillante et tres belle. Je suis tres heureux de l avoir decouvert. Mais en comparaison de la Erance Poltava a 20 ans de retard, en France les electobus fond partie de l histoire de la France on les trouve dans les musees, ici ils roulent encore. Les niveaux de vie sont tres differents entre nos deux pays, ici pour moi la vie est beaucoup moins cher qu en france, alors je pense qu Oksana aurra une autre vision de la vie en France. Mais je garde un merveilleux souvenir de Poltava, je pense revenir au mois de Janvier.    Read More...
Arnaud, France
Je trouve que j’ai eté tres bien accueilli a Kiev. Les personnes sont tres gentilles et m’ont aidé pour prendre mon train a Poltava. Je voulais prendre le train pour connaitre le vie des Ukrainiens et connaitre le vie de la personne que j’allais rencontrer. En plus je suis jeune, j’ai un bon travail mais quand on est jeune on a pas le meme salaire que les gens plus ages en France. Alors je voulais prendre le train aussi pour faire une économie.    Read More...
Robert, France
Merci pour tout les services. L’appartement tres tranquille et confortable. Poltava est une belle ville ou je pense qu’il est agreable de vivre. Elena m’a fait decouvrir le passe historique de Poltava, les musees, monuments, les eglises. Elle m’a fait aussi connaitre les restaurants avec la cuisine ukrainienne que j’ai goute et apprecie. Merci encore a Elena qui est une jeune femme superbe que j’ai envie de revoir et pour laquelle j’ai des sentiments tres forts.    Read More...
Vincent, France
I did not have the time to greet you before my departure for Paris. Also, I wanted to thank you for your warm welcome and your professionalism. I keep my residence in Kiev a pleasant memory with beautiful meetings which remain important moments of my life. These young women are all charming, without exception.     Read More...
Remy, France
This is the 4th time I come to Poltava, and it is better everytime. This trip will stay long in my memory due to a false attempt to go to the swimming pool : we spent all the time looking for a swimming suit for Natalia, and found one, but too late. Natalia was very kind and sweet. I think we are beginning to know each other better. I do hope that she enjoyed our stay as much as I did, and that there will be other occasions to meet with her, perhaps in Paris.    Read More...
Cédric, France
My first impression is that I really had a great time. I discovered your country with happiness. I knew so little about your country (just only with internet), I discovered your culture, your history. I enjoyed visiting museums, they allowed me to hear your story and how you feel proud of your country, your culture. Thanks to Tanya with her translations, Oksana’s interventions (which with you work as a guide) during the visits, were very interesting and she knows many things, and I learned a lot of things very quickly.    Read More...
Emmanuel, France
Organization: It’s a good organization for meeting and for discovering of Poltava. The meeting at the airport was also good, I did not get lost. The flat is very beautiful. The location is comfortable. The translator is very professional and kind. The stuff of the agency is also kind with the people who come and with me in particular.    Read More...
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It is a good opportunity to say thanks for all your team in the lovely agency with helpful employees. I have not faced any difficulties in my trip. and I met with a nice and beautiful lady. Interpreter was nice with us (Anna). My trip to Poltava was good too with a professional driver and nice lady (Alina) she also help me with everything and arranged all events. So thank you guys for everything that have been done to me. Now all my thinking is about our future and what we will end up in our journey... Thanks a lot! Atif, Saudi Arabia

Sergio Carlo Oleari
Per quanto riguarda agenzia tutto bene, servizio perfetto , sono stato assistito dall arrivo in aereoporto, bene il servizio traduttore .